Success Page Tips & Tricks

Your form’s success page is an important part of the user experience where form visitors get confirmation that their contribution was successfully recorded, as well as an opportunity for form owners to provide more information. See how your Formsite Success Page can be used for much more than a “Thank You” page.

Success PagePersonalized Success Pages

Use the opportunity to reinforce the visitor’s choices by piping their answers into the success page. For example, say you have a class registration form with times to choose. You can pipe the visitor’s name, class, and time choice into the success page:

“Thank you, [pipe:name].
Your [pipe:class] registration has been received. We will see you at [pipe:time].”

Create multiple success pages to provide even more customization options. Using the example above, say your class choices include piano and trumpet classes. You can direct piano users to a success page with a special message just for them:

  1. Create your success page
  2. Go to the Form Editor and click on the Rules tab
  3. Click the Add Criteria link on the last page of your form
  4. Set the form to skip to your piano success page when the class choice is piano
  5. Click save

Error Pages

The term success page refers only to a page that is shown after the form submits – it doesn’t have to be a success. You can create error pages if your form has a need for them, too. For example, for an online quiz you would want to have a page for visitors who pass and another for those who do not pass:

  1. Create two success pages: Pass and Try Again
  2. Add your form questions, using the scoring features to keep track of correct answers
  3. Go to the Form Editor and click on the Rules tab
  4. Click the Add Criteria link on the last page of your form
  5. Set the form to skip to your Try Again success page when the scoring total is less than your pass/fail threshold

Link to Another Page/Form

Sometimes the end of the form isn’t the end of the session and you want to send the visitor to another page or form. The Redirect URL setting allows you to insert an address to send the visitor to upon form completion. An example of how this can be used would be as a custom survey on your website. Say you have a support area on your website and you want to survey your customers to get their feedback, you can return them to the support page when the survey is complete.

Another useful feature of this function is by combining the pre-populate and pipe functions to link to another form with information already filled out. For example, say your registration form has a question asking if they would like to register for another event. You can make a success page with the redirect URL set to the other registration form, then pre-populate the contact information. The URL format would be something like:[pipe:X]

This is a very simplified version of the actual code, but essentially you use the pre-populate format to indicate which of the destination fields to fill, then use the pipe codes to fill in the destination fields.

These are very simplified examples of what you can do with Formsite’s Success Pages beyond the standard “Thank You”, and more information on all of our features can be found on the documentation pages. As always, feel free to contact Formsite support if you have any questions.

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