Add Images to your Online Form with Formsite

Formsite add images examples

One feature of Formsite online forms is the ability to add images to make forms more interesting and useful. For example, adding an organization’s logo or photo of products helps visitors know that they’re in the right place. Formsite provides 3 ways to add images using our form builder.

  1. Heading item
  2. Image item
  3. Description Text

These items give form owners the ability to include images on the form depending on the specific need. Each item displays images in its own way and is designed for different applications.

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Include Images in Results PDF Documents

Formsite include images in Results PDF

A popular feature for Formsite form owners is the Results Docs, which creates a document from individual results. The Results Docs feature evolved over time to support PDF and Word document templates and merged data from each result. A limitation of PDF and Word templates is the inability to include uploaded images. The Custom PDF Results Doc format solves that problem with the ability to include images in Results PDF files.

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Create a Custom PDF with Images and Text from Results

Formsite Custom PDF Results Doc example

Formsite’s Results Docs lets form owners generate PDF or Word documents from form results. The original format provided the built-in Table format as a PDF file, then expanded to merge results with PDF and Word templates. The newest feature is the Custom PDF format that adds support for including uploaded images and text in the generated PDF file.

There are three fundamental formats for Results Docs:

The differences between Results Docs formats let form owners decide how the final documents appear. The built-in Table PDF format displays the results answers in a table in a PDF document. The Table PDF does not show any images or extra text. Only the answers to the form items show, and the style is not able to change.

The Merged PDF and Merged Word Docx formats allow for creating templates with placeholders. Using the Merged PDF format, form owners create fillable PDFs with form fields that receive text from the form result. The Merged Word Docx format uses placeholder codes that do the same. These formats allow the template documents to contain images, text, and other formatting and style elements. Every document that uses the template contains the template images, text, and style.

The Custom PDF format behaves like the Merged formats but doesn't need the template file. Form owners build the template using the editor on the Results Docs page, then include any custom text and images, too. Along with adding custom images, the Custom PDF format also allows for including images uploaded by the form visitor.

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Show Uploaded Images in Form Results

Formsite forms allow visitors to attach files when submitting the form by using the File Upload item. The system saves each attached file and displays the link in the Results Table. If there are any Notifications set up, any uploaded files are optionally attached to the email, too. A new feature will now show uploaded images in the result data for Table formats in some places.

Formsite show uploaded images example email

The Table format appears as a results format with:

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Email Attachments and Images in Notifications

Formsite email attachments

Form owners collect uploaded files through their forms using the File Upload item. These uploaded files display as links in the Results Table where they can be viewed and downloaded. Additionally, a convenient option for paid accounts includes sending an email Notification after each successful submission. These emails can contain the result information and a custom message, along with the uploaded files as email attachments.

Notification attachments can be either:

  • Email attachments
  • Images & links
  • Results as attachments
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Sizing Images for Responsive Forms and Surveys

Forms that are ‘responsive’ means that they automatically resize themselves depending on the size of the window used to view them. If a form displays on a large monitor then it should appear differently than on a smaller device like a smartphone. Sizing images for responsive forms can be tricky so here are some tips and shortcuts. Formsite sizing images iPad

Methods for Using Images

Images are added to Formsite forms in several ways, most commonly:
  • Image item
  • Formatted Text item (or text editor for Notifications, Success Pages, etc.)
  • Heading item
  • Image List item
Formatting images using these methods presents challenges for form owners in some cases. The application of CSS and/or other HTML code helps to optimize how the images appear on forms.
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Custom Branding: How to use Images, Fonts & Colors

Formsite forms can be fully customized by form owners at all service levels, which allows for complete control over the forms’ appearance. Adding images and logos with a form is a great way to communicate basic brand attributes and set the tone of your form, as well as apply any custom branding requirements like fonts and colors.

Formsite custom branding

Adding Logos & Images

There are three basic places where images can be added:

  1. Form items:
    • The Image item is the easiest way to add an individual image.
    • Image List items are used to include images with a radio button or checkbox item.
    • The Heading item allows you to add a text box with your image as a background image.
    • The Formatted Text item lets you add images along with your text.
  2. Form Header/Footer:
    • The Header/Footer link in the Form Editor lets you add text or images that appear on every page of your form.
  3. Page or Form Background:
    • The Style page allows you to add images for the page or form background using the tools on the Customize page.
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Bulk Upload Files & Images

Bulk UploadFormSite’s newest release includes a bulk upload tool for files and images. The easy to use drag & drop uploader lets customers with large numbers of files and images quickly upload them to their account. All paid service levels now have access to the new bulk upload tool, located in your account under Account -> Files & Images.

How to use the bulk upload function:

  1. Log in to your account and go to Account -> Files & Images.
  2. Click the Upload button to see the new uploader window.
  3. Drag files into the window or click the Add Files button to select your files.
  4. Click the Start Upload button to begin the upload.
  5. After the upload is complete, click the Close button to return to the Files & Images page.

Technical notes:

  • The bulk upload tool supports common image and document formats: jpg, gif, png, zip, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf. The tool does not support exe files.
  • The uploader will not upload folders – only individual files.
  • The file transfer process will stop when the close button is clicked. Be sure that the upload process is complete before closing the window.


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